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Houston Autrey
This is his legacy. Houston was born when i was 25 weeks pregnant. He had a shortage in the umbilical chord. He wasn't getting the proper nutrition or oxygen because of this. This caused him to be delivered emergency c-section. He was born 08/14/2015. He weighted 1 pound 3 ounces at birth. Houston lived 4 1/2 months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Houston fought infections, illnesses, surgeries, etc. Houston fought hard to be with us, however he gained his angel wings 01/05/2016.
Being in the NICU was physically, financially, and emotionally hard. We practically lived in the hospital. this is how we formed Houston's Lift Off. We are based in Canton, Ohio. Houston's Lift Off has been established since April of 2020. We have served over 1,029 NICU families. Houston's Lift Off provides items such as gas gift cards, food gift cards, baby books, baby blankets, hygiene items, catered meals, etc. We try to help with anything that a NICU family may need. Our mission is to show the NICU families they are not alone. Our ending goal is to offer a place to rest for the families that are traveling back and fourth from Aultman Hospital.

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